B. Fleischmann, "Im Atelier"

spiral 2023. 4. 6. 10:21

"In the Studio" (Im Atelier) by B. Fleischmann. At the end of it, it says, "This video is a memory" (Dieses Video ist eine Erinnerung). The images projected onto the wall of the studio is presumably the musician's childhood memories. Note that, in the video, he seems to be working on music which is likely to be what we hear in the video. Which means, his music is itself a projection of his inner self, i.e. his memories. Indeed, as a fan of his music who has been following him since his first release back in 1999, I have always felt that B. Fleischmann's music is like a collection of memories. "Im Atelier" makes a good summary of his work so far.

* The video below was released in August, 2022.

* Interestingly, the English used in the video sounds quite German when it says, "originally written 2019 'Dieser Flim ist ein Geschenk' by Anja Salomonowitz." English does not say a year without a preposition unless it is the subject of a sentence, while German does not use a preposition before a year.